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ENT Division COVID Information Page

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UNM Guidance for Tracheotomy/Care during the COVID-19 - 3/27/20

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UK ENT Safe COVID Tracheostomy Action Cards (Concise and Helpful)

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Pediatric Airway Eqipment Location Maps Powerpoint

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ENT-OMS COVID augmented PPE for aerosol generating procedures

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Doffing Instructions PDF

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Pre-op COVID Testing

Pearls for Pre-op COVID testing
  1. Find out who the APP in charge of the RRC is the day you are going to meet patients, and tiger text that individual the day before.
  2. Go to the lobby at 7:20 and have the APP in charge text you when the patient(s) is/are checking in.
  3. Patients will go into the RRC through an outside entrance, you will go in through the BBRP lobby entrance (right next to the elevators). My badge didn't work, but they let me in because I had coordinated with them. SEE PIC BELOW.
  4. BRING YOUR OWN N95 and EYE SHIELD. They have gloves and buffonts and overmask and yellow smocks for you. SEE PIC
  5. Once the patient is ready for testing and you're all PPE'd up, collect the test. Stick the swab all the way into the nasopharynx. There's a red line on the swab to indicate the depth. Twirl the swab for a few seconds to saturate it.
  6. Doff your PPE, send off a quick email to prioritize the test if needed (SEE PIC), and you're done!!!

The staff entrance to the RRC

Where you put the rest of your PPE on. Just inside the door.

Shoot off a quick email...

Pre-Operative COVID-19 Testing Protocol



Just for fun...

GTO's Quarantine Crossword

ENT Crossword by GTO

Another ENT Crossword by Antoinette

Nate's Crossword